If you're struggling with a condition that won't go away no matter what, or you know someone or a loved one who's life is blighted by chronic fatigue, tiredness and you know there must be another way.
This is where Functional Nutrition comes in, finding the food that makes you feel well. Finding the diet which eases pain and inflammation in your body.
The majority of illness is caused by an inflammatory reaction to a build up of toxins in your body caused by the food you eat, this could be unique to you. In essence the rest of your family may feel well on a diet rich in carbohydrates for example but for you it's the cause of your disease. Or one of your children doesn't sleep or has ADHD yet your other children don't and medication doesn't have the effect you thought it would.
Do you wonder why your child developed ADHD, dyslexia or cannot sleep, could their distress be eased and may be eliminated naturally?
You could look at any health condition or disease and wonder 'is there a more natural way of easing my flare ups or symptoms?' This can be deep work methodical work - clinically analyzing your lifestyle and finding the root cause, correcting it so your body can an heal and reach symbiosis, natural wellness and a healthy immune system.
We work out a plan FOR YOU or YOUR LOVED ONE- SO YOUR BODY or theirs transforms - Harmony and balance in Mind and body.
When you eat food which is unprocessed (which means it hasn't been to a factory and had sugar, salt, preservative or any other ingredients to added to it). Then you are able to metabolize all those natural nutrients. When food is processed there are so many foodstuffs added which are detrimental to our body. Often the culprits lead to inflammation within the body which is the root cause of the majority of illness including arthritis, unexplained pain, depression anxiety, indigestion, stomach/gut issues. All these including autoimmune diseases and skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and can be eased or overcome by a natural diet alone or with extra vitamin supplements because the body has been seriously depleted over time. Nutrients and Vitamins can be vital in restoring health until our body is balanced by diet and a healthy lifestyle alone.
Eating with our health in mind is an act of self love, taking care of your family by preparing healthy food is an act of love. A full belly is comforting and contentment.
We've all been to the supermarket and bought what we have believed tastes good or what our child has asked for, what we saw in a commercial etc but it's only when we start to read the food labels do we realize what chemicals are in our food, there are no ingredients or labels on an organic apple or free range chicken. Fast food- You really can make a healthy stir fry in less than the time it takes to cook a anti-nutritional ready meal! I promise.
It's not only what we put into our bodies but also what we put on our bodies. Our skin is our largest organ and can absorb 75% of what we put on our skin. If you read the label on skincare and soaps you'll find a lot of chemicals that have been proven to cause serious illness, why would you put on your body what you can't put in your body? I have found the best skin care from natural products and pure essential oils that have worked better than any of the expensive brand moisturizers and serums, I can't believe the money I've wasted over the years in the pursuit healthy looking skin when most of it was in my fridge, cupboard or in my garden.
I couldn't leave out the health of our mind, this is where health and healing begins. If you're unhappy with your path in life, you dread each working day, if you carry the negativity or burdens, shame or guilt from the past then this will impede your health just as much as a toxic lifestyle. Love, self respect and self love, a balanced perspective based on the reality of the past, forgiveness of others, oneself and gratitude can heal a negative mindset and provide resilience to deal with whatever you encounter in life. It's your life and you can take control if you choose to. Implementing a correct breath pattern if you've learned to breath shallow or are a mouth breather, this is the root cause of anxiety and panic and overthinking and medication cannot correct this. Massage Practices which are part of integrative healing to rid your body of toxins, unlock tension in your body and soothe your mind. I practice Lomi Lomi massage and guide you in self massage such as Chi Nei Tsang. Chi Nei Tsang has the power to cleanse and free your mind and body along with nourishing food.
An ability to be open hearted and see this love as medicine because that's what really heals. Nature has provided everything we need in this life and yet we looked to technology and modern food production and products to improve things and if anything it's made our lives unhealthy and more stressful.
I have had health issues and I was fortunate to find natural practices which have given me immense energy and vitality and youthfulness. Even though I'm in my late 50s I'm still doing everything including sport which I did in my teens. There many natural paths to explore when it comes to health issues and prevention. And I'm proud to be qualified to help you on your path to wellness. I look forward to guiding you on your path to optimum health and healing 0870990970 Tricia Monk.